Thursday, October 28, 2010

Half-Term Break

Yummy Steak Dinner For Two.
For some reason on chrome the image doesn't appear correctly
when the large size is selected so this one is medium.
We've had all of this week off from school which has been really nice. I've stayed with Rez for a few days since she had her aunt's flat to herself. Her friends Hannah and Arami stayed over for a couple days as well. We did a lot of movie watching (Hannah and Arami went through countless episodes of The Wire) and cooked some yummy meals like the one pictured above. We went to this really good and cheap grocery store called Iceland that I've been trying to get Rez to take me back to.
Today I went in to the FIE foundation house and sorted out my transport situation. I'm getting my oyster replaced for free and the £2.80 I had on the card at the time is even being put on the replacement card. This is better than I ever could have imagined so I'm exceedingly happy about it. I should get it in 3-5 days. Until then I'll do pay-as-you go but the fees for that are nothing in comparison to what I would have had to pay if I had to buy my own travel passes for the next 2 months.
Hannah is throwing a Halloween party, so I've been trying to scrape some costume ideas that are also cheap but I'm not coming up with too much. I would have liked to have gone shopping tonight with Rez but she's busy with coursework. Also I finally got my phone topped up after going about 2 weeks with no credit on it (Rez had my top up card from when I went to Istanbul) so now I can finally make calls again.

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